SWD Properties


::: {#cell-2 .cell 0=‘h’ 1=‘i’ 2=‘d’ 3=‘e’ execution_count=36}

import polars as pl
from loguru import logger


::: {#cell-3 .cell 0=‘h’ 1=‘i’ 2=‘d’ 3=‘e’ execution_count=37}

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload


Connect python with R kernel

from beforerr.r import py2rpy_polars
import rpy2.robjects as robjects

%load_ext rpy2.ipython

r = robjects.r

conv_pl = py2rpy_polars()
The rpy2.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext rpy2.ipython

Processing datasets

ts = 1 # unit: seconds
tau = 60 # unit: seconds
data_dir = "../data"
format = "arrow"
from utils import load_events, PARAMETERS

wind_df = load_events('Wind', 1, 60, 'fit')
sta_df = load_events('STA', 1, 60, 'fit')
jno_df = load_events('JNO', 1, 60, 'fit')
jno_df_tau_300 = load_events('JNO', 1, 300, 'fit')
jno_df_8hz = load_events('JNO', 0.125, 60, 'fit')
jno_df_8hz_tau_20 = load_events('JNO', 0.125, 20, 'fit')
jno_df_8hz_tau_20_der = load_events('JNO', 0.125, 20, 'derivative')

other_events = pl.concat([wind_df, sta_df], how='diagonal')

logger.info(f"Columns: {jno_df.columns}")
2024-02-18 21:55:57.510 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:13 - Columns: ['time', 'tstart', 'tstop', 'd_tstart', 'd_tstop', 'd_time', 'time_before', 'time_after', 'count', 'B_std', 'B_mean', 'dB_vec', 'index_diff', 'index_std', 'index_fluctuation', 'B.after', 'B.before', 'b_mag', 'b_n', 'bn_over_b', 'd_star', 'db_mag', 'db_over_b', 'db_over_b_max', 'fit.stat.chisqr', 'fit.stat.rsquared', 'fit.vars.amplitude', 'fit.vars.c', 'fit.vars.sigma', 'rotation_angle', 'dB_x', 'dB_y', 'dB_z', 'dB_lmn_x', 'dB_lmn_y', 'dB_lmn_z', 'k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z', 'Vl_x', 'Vl_y', 'Vl_z', 'Vn_x', 'Vn_y', 'Vn_z', 'duration', 'radial_distance', 'plasma_density', 'plasma_temperature', 'model_b_r', 'model_b_t', 'model_b_n', 'v_x', 'v_y', 'v_z', 'plasma_speed', 'B_background_x', 'B_background_y', 'B_background_z', 'v_x_before', 'v_y_before', 'v_z_before', 'n.before', 'v.ion.before', 'plasma_temperature_before', 'v_x_after', 'v_y_after', 'v_z_after', 'n.after', 'v.ion.after', 'plasma_temperature_after', 'v_l', 'v_n', 'v_k', 'v_mn', 'L_k', 'j0_k', 'ion_inertial_length', 'Alfven_speed', 'j_Alfven', 'L_k_norm', 'j0_k_norm', 'v.ion.before.l', 'v.ion.after.l', 'B.vec.before.l', 'B.vec.before.m', 'B.vec.before.n', 'B.vec.after.l', 'B.vec.after.m', 'B.vec.after.n', 'v.Alfven.before', 'v.Alfven.after', 'v.Alfven.before.l', 'v.Alfven.after.l', 'n.change', 'v.ion.change', 'v.ion.change.l', 'B.change', 'v.Alfven.change', 'v.Alfven.change.l', 'sat', 'ts', 'method', 'ts_method', 'label', 'index_d_diff']

Some extreme values are present in the data. We will remove them.

DISPLAY_VARS = ['time', 'sat'] + PARAMETERS

def check_candidates(df):
    if isinstance(df, pl.LazyFrame):
        df = df.collect()
    return df.select(DISPLAY_VARS).describe()

2024-02-18 21:55:57.523 | INFO     | __main__:check_candidates:6 - ['time', 'tstart', 'tstop', 'd_tstart', 'd_tstop', 'd_time', 'time_before', 'time_after', 'count', 'B_std', 'B_mean', 'dB_vec', 'index_diff', 'index_std', 'index_fluctuation', 'B.after', 'B.before', 'b_mag', 'b_n', 'bn_over_b', 'd_star', 'db_mag', 'db_over_b', 'db_over_b_max', 'fit.stat.chisqr', 'fit.stat.rsquared', 'fit.vars.amplitude', 'fit.vars.c', 'fit.vars.sigma', 'rotation_angle', 'dB_x', 'dB_y', 'dB_z', 'dB_lmn_x', 'dB_lmn_y', 'dB_lmn_z', 'k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z', 'Vl_x', 'Vl_y', 'Vl_z', 'Vn_x', 'Vn_y', 'Vn_z', 'duration', 'radial_distance', 'plasma_density', 'plasma_temperature', 'model_b_r', 'model_b_t', 'model_b_n', 'v_x', 'v_y', 'v_z', 'plasma_speed', 'B_background_x', 'B_background_y', 'B_background_z', 'v_x_before', 'v_y_before', 'v_z_before', 'n.before', 'v.ion.before', 'plasma_temperature_before', 'v_x_after', 'v_y_after', 'v_z_after', 'n.after', 'v.ion.after', 'plasma_temperature_after', 'v_l', 'v_n', 'v_k', 'v_mn', 'L_k', 'j0_k', 'ion_inertial_length', 'Alfven_speed', 'j_Alfven', 'L_k_norm', 'j0_k_norm', 'v.ion.before.l', 'v.ion.after.l', 'B.vec.before.l', 'B.vec.before.m', 'B.vec.before.n', 'B.vec.after.l', 'B.vec.after.m', 'B.vec.after.n', 'v.Alfven.before', 'v.Alfven.after', 'v.Alfven.before.l', 'v.Alfven.after.l', 'n.change', 'v.ion.change', 'v.ion.change.l', 'B.change', 'v.Alfven.change', 'v.Alfven.change.l', 'sat', 'ts', 'method', 'ts_method', 'label', 'index_d_diff']
shape: (9, 7)
statistic time sat j0_k j0_k_norm L_k L_k_norm
str str str f64 f64 f64 f64
"count" "63143" "63143" 63143.0 63143.0 63143.0 63143.0
"null_count" "0" "0" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
"mean" "2013-05-14 11:… null 125.040783 12.398706 9410.339035 45.121054
"std" null null 12236.23217 1077.446348 5438.269571 34.72957
"min" "2011-08-25 16:… "JNO" 0.000018 0.000036 1.187819 0.001187
"25%" "2012-03-08 20:… null 0.124872 0.018557 5123.132655 20.526554
"50%" "2013-03-05 15:… null 0.2963 0.046239 8643.437318 36.506577
"75%" "2014-03-11 18:… null 0.748768 0.108717 12991.083881 59.95483
"max" "2016-06-29 23:… "JNO" 2.4550e6 187435.626378 42775.89897 382.018872
def remove_extreme(df, cols = ['j0_k', 'L_k'], q = 0.96):
    filter_conditions = [
        pl.col(col) < pl.col(col).quantile(q) for col in cols
    ] + [
        pl.col(col) > pl.col(col).quantile(1-q) for col in cols
    return df.filter(filter_conditions)

def keep_good_fit(df: pl.DataFrame, rsquared = 0.95):
    return df.filter(pl.col('fit.stat.rsquared') > rsquared)

# jno_df = jno_df.pipe(remove_extreme).pipe(keep_good_fit)
# other_events = other_events.pipe(remove_extreme).pipe(keep_good_fit)
# jno_df_tau_300 = jno_df_tau_300.pipe(remove_extreme).pipe(keep_good_fit)

jno_df = jno_df.pipe(keep_good_fit)
other_events = other_events.pipe(keep_good_fit)
jno_df_tau_300 = jno_df_tau_300.pipe(keep_good_fit)
jno_df_8hz = jno_df_8hz.pipe(keep_good_fit)
jno_df_8hz_tau_20 = jno_df_8hz_tau_20.pipe(keep_good_fit)
jno_df_8hz_tau_20_der = jno_df_8hz_tau_20_der.filter(pl.col('len')==160, pl.col('index_d_diff')>0.8)
logger.info(f"Number of events > 5AU: {jno_df.filter(pl.col('radial_distance') > 4).height}")
logger.info(f"Number of events > 5AU: {jno_df.filter(pl.col('radial_distance') > 3, pl.col('radial_distance') < 4).height}")
logger.info(f"Number of events > 5AU: {jno_df_tau_300.filter(pl.col('radial_distance') > 4).height}")
2024-02-18 21:56:00.091 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:1 - Number of events > 5AU: 4207
2024-02-18 21:56:00.093 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:2 - Number of events > 5AU: 2033
2024-02-18 21:56:00.094 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:3 - Number of events > 5AU: 1035

Plotting in R

%R -i jno_df -c conv_pl
%R -i other_events -c conv_pl
%R -i jno_df_tau_300 -c conv_pl
%R -i jno_df_8hz -c conv_pl
%R -i jno_df_8hz_tau_20 -c conv_pl
%R -i jno_df_8hz_tau_20_der -c conv_pl
p1title <- "a) Juno"
p2title <- "b) ARTEMIS, STEREO and Wind"
x_lab_r <- "Radial Distance (AU)"
x_lab_t <- "Time"

y_lab_t <- "Time Duration (s)"
y_lab_L <- "Log Thickness (km)"
y_lab_L_norm <- expression(Log~Thickness~(d[i]))

layout <- plot_layout(ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE, guides = "collect")
%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm
add_mode <- TRUE
x_bins <- 5
y_bins <- 10
log_y <- FALSE
y_lim_duration <- c(0.1, 60)

y_col <- "duration"
ylab <- y_lab_t

x_col <- "radial_distance"

p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = x_bins, y_bins = y_bins, y_lim = y_lim_duration, log_y = log_y, add_mode=add_mode)
p1 <- p + labs(x = NULL, y= ylab) + ggtitle("a) Juno")

p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df_8hz, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = x_bins, y_bins = y_bins, y_lim = y_lim_duration, log_y = log_y, add_mode=add_mode)
p2 <- p + labs(x = NULL, y= ylab) + ggtitle("b) Juno High Time Resolution")

y_lim_duration <- c(0.1, 300)
p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df_tau_300, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = x_bins, y_bins = y_bins, y_lim = y_lim_duration, log_y = log_y, add_mode=add_mode)
p3 <- p + labs(x = NULL, y= ylab) + ggtitle("c) Juno Long Tau")

y_lim_duration <- c(0.1, 20)
p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df_8hz_tau_20, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = x_bins, y_bins = y_bins, y_lim = y_lim_duration, log_y = log_y, add_mode=add_mode)
p4 <- p + labs(x = NULL, y= ylab) + ggtitle("d) Juno Low Tau and High TS")

# p <- (p1 + p2) + plot_layout(ncol = 1, guides = "collect") & scale_fill_viridis_c(limits = c(0.01, 0.20), name="pdf")
p <- p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + layout 
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image

%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm
add_mode <- TRUE
x_bins <- 5
y_bins <- 10
log_y <- FALSE
y_lim_duration <- c(0.1, 10)

y_col <- "duration"
ylab <- y_lab_t

x_col <- "radial_distance"

p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df_8hz_tau_20_der, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = x_bins, y_bins = y_bins, y_lim = y_lim_duration, log_y = log_y, add_mode=add_mode)
p1 <- p + labs(x = NULL, y= ylab) + ggtitle("a) Juno Derivative Method")

%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm

p <- plot_current_comparison(jno_df, other_events, p1title="a) Juno")
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image

%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm
p <- plot_current_comparison(jno_df_8hz_tau_20, other_events, p1title="a) Juno: High Time Resolution, Low Tau")

p <- plot_current_comparison(jno_df_8hz, other_events, p1title="a) Juno: High Time Resolution")
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm

p <- plot_thickness_comparison(jno_df, other_events, p1title="a) Juno")
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image

%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm

p1 <- plot_q_and_qnorm_r_l(
    y_lim1=c(100, 6000), 

p2 <- plot_q_and_qnorm_r_j0(
    y_lim1 = c(0.1, 50),
    y_lim2 = c(0.02, 10)

(p1 |  p2) + plot_annotation(
  title = 'Juno: 8Hz, Tau 20s, Derivative Method',
  theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 18))

%%R -w 350 -h 350 -u mm

p <- plot_thickness_comparison(jno_df_8hz_tau_20, other_events, p1title="a) Juno: High Time Resolution, Low Tau")

p <- plot_thickness_comparison(jno_df_8hz, other_events, p1title="a) Juno: High Time Resolution")
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
Saving 13.8 x 13.8 in image
x_col <- "radial_distance"
xlab <- "Radial Distance (AU)"

y_col <- "L_k_fit"
ylab <- "Log Thickness (km)"
y_lim <- c(100, 40000)
# y_lim <- NULL
p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = 8, y_bins = 32, y_lim = y_lim, log_y = TRUE)
p <- p + labs(x = xlab, y= ylab)
# save_plot("new/thickness/thickness_k_fit_r_dist")

y_col <- "L_k_fit_norm"
y_lim <- c(0.2, 100)
# y_lim <- NULL
ylab <- expression(Log~Thickness~(d[i]))
p <- plot_binned_data(jno_df, x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, x_bins = 8, y_bins = 32, y_lim = y_lim, log_y = TRUE)
p <- p + labs(x = xlab, y= ylab)
Saving 6.67 x 6.67 in image
Saving 6.67 x 6.67 in image