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In [1]:
import polars as pl
from beforerr.project import datadir
In [2]:
df = pl.read_csv(datadir() / 'psp_events.csv', try_parse_dates=True)
In [2]:
Table 1: PSP events
Event Distance (R_sun) Time Notes
0 E1 35.6 2018-11-06 03:27:00 Perihelion
1 E2 35.6 2019-04-04 22:39:00 Perihelion
2 E3 35.6 2019-09-01 17:50:00 Perihelion
3 E4 27.8 2020-01-29 09:37:00 Perihelion
4 E5 27.8 2020-06-07 08:23:00 Perihelion
5 E6 20.3 2020-09-27 09:16:00 Perihelion
6 E7 20.3 2021-01-17 17:40:00 Perihelion
7 E8 15.9 2021-04-29 08:48:00 Perihelion
8 E9 15.9 2021-08-09 19:11:00 Perihelion
9 E10 13.3 2021-11-21 08:23:00 Perihelion
10 E11 13.3 2022-02-25 15:38:00 Perihelion
11 E12 13.3 2022-06-01 22:51:00 Perihelion
12 E13 13.3 2022-09-06 06:04:00 Perihelion
13 E14 13.3 2022-12-11 13:16:00 Perihelion
14 E15 13.3 2023-03-17 20:30:00 Perihelion
15 E16 13.3 2023-06-22 03:46:00 Perihelion
16 E17 11.4 2023-09-27 23:28:00 Perihelion
17 E18 11.4 2023-12-29 00:54:00 Perihelion
18 E19 11.4 2024-03-30 02:20:00 Perihelion
19 E20 11.4 2024-06-30 03:46:00 Perihelion
20 E21 11.4 2024-09-30 05:13:00 Perihelion
21 E22 9.9 2024-12-24 11:41:00 Perihelion
22 E23 9.9 2025-03-22 22:25:00 Perihelion
23 E24 9.9 2025-06-19 09:09:00 Perihelion



    • Notes: Partial moments of the Proton distribution function in the SPAN-Ion instrument, PSP spacecraft, and RTN coordinate systems. User should be aware that the full ion distribution is typically NOT in the FOV of the instrument.

    • T_TENSOR Partial Moment Temperature Tensor in instrument frame

  • WI_H0_SWE

    • Te_anisotropy Temperature anisotropy = Te_para / Te_perp

    • MOM.P.MAGT3 —> [P.SYMM_MAGT3] Proton temperature tensor… rotated into a field-aligned coordinate basis and then taking the diagonal elements only
  • WI_ELM2_3DP : Wind 3dp, PESA Low (~24 sec resolution) energy spectra with ion moments

    • MAGT3 —> [MAGT3] electron temperature tensor… rotated into a field-aligned coordinate basis and then taking the diagonal elements only
  • THB_L2_ESA

    • thb_peeb_magt3Q —–Electron Temperature, Field Aligned (Tprp1FA, Tprp2FA, TparFA)

    • thb_peef_magt3Q —–Electron Temperature, Field Aligned (Tprp1FA, Tprp2FA, TparFA)

    • thb_peif_magt3Q —–Temperature, Field Aligned (TprpFA1, TprpFA2, TparFA)

  • THB_L2_MOM

    • thb_peem_ptens_magQ —–Electron Pressure Tensor, Field Aligned

    • thb_peem_t3_magQ —–Electron Temperature, Field Aligned (TprpFA1, TprpFA2, TparFA)

    • thb_peim_ptens_magQ —–Ion Pressure Tensor, Field Aligned

    • thb_peim_t3_magQ —–Ion Temperature, Field Aligned (TprpFA1, TprpFA2, TparFA)