Time of arrival

from plasmapy.formulary import beta
import astropy.units as u
c1 = beta(1 * u.K, 1 * u.cm**-3, 1 * u.nT)
c2 = beta(1 * u.eV, 1 * u.cm**-3, 1 * u.nT)

print("Coeficiente for beta at T=1K, n=1cm^-3, B=1nT: ", c1)
print("Coeficiente for beta at T=1eV, n=1cm^-3, B=1nT: ", c2)
Coeficiente for beta at T=1K, n=1cm^-3, B=1nT:  3.469949406357831e-05
Coeficiente for beta at T=1eV, n=1cm^-3, B=1nT:  0.402670907669414
r = 1 * u.AU
v_fast = 800 * u.km / u.s
v_slow = 300 * u.km / u.s

t_min = r / v_fast
t_max = r / v_slow

print(f"Fast wind ({v_fast}) to travel 1 AU : {t_min.to(u.day)}")
print(f"Slow wind ({v_slow}) to travel 1 AU : {t_max.to(u.day)}")
Fast wind (800.0 km / s) to travel 1 AU : 2.1643210460069446 d
Slow wind (300.0 km / s) to travel 1 AU : 5.771522789351852 d