Homework 03

1. Conformal map

Consider the half-infinite strip

\[ S = \{z \,|\, \text{Re}\, z > 0, 2i < \text{Im}\, z < 5i \} \]

Find an invertible conformal map sending \(S\) to the upper half plane

\[ H = \{z \,|\, \text{Im}\, z > 0 \}, \]

we can proceed in steps using standard conformal mappings.

  1. Translate the Strip: First, we translate the strip downwards \(T(z) = z - 2i\) so that its imaginary boundaries are on the real axis and at \(3i\).
  2. Scale the Strip: Next, we scale the strip so that its width becomes \(\pi\). Define the scaling map \(D(z) = \frac{\pi}{3}z\).
  3. Apply the Exponential Function: The exponential function \(E(z)=e^z\) maps horizontal strips to \(\{z \,|\,\text{Im}\, z > 0, |z| > 1 \}\)
  4. Map to the Upper Half-Plane: \(R(z)=\frac{1}{2} (z + 1/z)\) will map to the upper half-plane.

So, the complete conformal map \(F\) from \(S\) to \(H\) is the composition of these maps:

\[ F(z) = R(E(D(T(z)))) = \sqrt{e^{\frac{\pi}{3}(z - 3.5i)}}. \]

This map is invertible and conformal.

Note that the inverse map of \(R(z)\)

\[ z = w+\sqrt{w^2 − 1} \]

has a branch cut at \(w ∈ (−1, 1)\). However, for \(|z| > 1\), we have \(\text{Im}\, w > 0\), so the maps are inevitable.

2. Saddle point

Prove that if \(f = u + iv\) is holomorphic at \(z = 0\) and \(f'(z)\) has a zero of degree 1 at \(z = 0\), that both \(u\) and \(v\) have saddle points at \(z = 0\).

At \(z=0\), \(f^{\prime}=u_x+i v_x=0\) \[ \Rightarrow u_x(0)=0 \text { and } v_x(0)=0 \]

\(f\) is holomorphic

\[ \begin{array}{l} v_y=u_x=0 \\ u_y=-v_x=0 \end{array} \]

So the Hessian determinant is

\[ \begin{aligned} D_u=u_{x x} u_{y y}-\left(u_{x y}\right)^2 & =-v_{y x} v_{x y}-u_{x y}^2 \\ & =-v_{x y}^2-u_{x y}^2 \\ D_v=v_{x x} v_{y y}-\left(v_{x y}\right)^2= & -v_{x y}^2-u_{x y}^2 \end{aligned} \]

Since \(f^{\prime}\) has a zero of degree \(1 \Rightarrow\) second derivative of \(u\) and \(v\) are nonzero at \(z=0\), which gives \(D_u<0\) and \(D_\nu<0\). Given first derivative is zero, \(u\) and \(v\) have saddle points at \(z=0\)

3. Holomorphic functions agree

Show that if two holomorphic functions agree on an interval of the real line, they agree everywhere.

Let’s say two holomorphic function \(f\) and \(g\) agree on Interval \(I\). we show \(h=f-g\) if \(h \equiv 0\) on \(I\), then \(h\) is 0 everywhere.

\[ h(z)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{(z-c)^n}{n !} h^{(n)}(c) \]

for \(c \in I\). On the real line, \(h(x)\) and all its derivatives with respect to \(x\) vanish. So \(h^{(n)}(c) =0\) for all \(n\ge0\). And because \(h\) is an entire function the radius of convergence should be infinite. Therefore, for any \(z ∈ C\) lies within the circle of convergence, we have \(h(z) = 0\).

5. Mobius transformations

Show that Mobius transformations send circles and lines to circles and lines.

Mobius transformations

\[ f(z) = \frac{a z+b}{c z+d} = \frac{a}{c}+\frac{e}{z+\frac{d}{c}}, \]

can be decomposed into four simple transformation of translation, dilation, and inversion.

\[ f=f_4 \circ f_3 \circ f_2 \circ f_1 . \]

Since translation, dilation perserve geometrical lines and circles, we only need to show that inversion \(I(z)=1/z\) sends circles and lines to circles and lines.

\[ I(z) = I(x+i y)=\frac{1}{x+i y}=\frac{x}{x^2+y^2}-\frac{y i}{x^2+y^2} \]

So \(I\) maps \((x, y)\) into a \((u, v)\) with

\[ u=\frac{x}{x^2+y^2} \text { and } v=\frac{-y}{x^2+y^2} \]

For line of general form \(Ax+By=C\), we have

\[ \begin{aligned} Au - B v= (u^2+v^2)C \end{aligned} \]

Thus \(I\) maps a line to a circle (\(C \neq 0\)) or a line (\(C = 0\)).

For cicrcle of general form \(D x+E y+F\left(x^2+y^2\right)=R\), we have

\[ D u -E v + F = R\left(u^2+v^2\right) \]

Thus \(I\) maps a circle to a circle (\(R \neq 0\)) or a line (\(R = 0\)). Note here, \(R\) is not the radius of the original circle.

6. cross-ratio under simultaneous Mobius transformations

Show that for any three points \(z_1, z_2, z_3\), there is precisely one Mobius transformation sending \(z_1\) to 0, \(z_2\) to 1, and \(z_3\) to infinity. The image of a fourth point \(z_4\) under this map defines the “cross-ratio” of \(\left(z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4\right)\). Show that the cross ratio is preserved under simultaneous Mobius transformations of these four points.

Let Möbius transformation \(f(z) = (a z+b) /(c z+d)\), satisfying

\[ f\left(z_1\right)=0, f\left(z_2\right)=1, f\left(z_3\right)=\infty \]

Then the Möbius transformation is determined by

\[ \begin{aligned} & f\left(z_1\right)=0 \Rightarrow a z_1 + b=0 \\ & f\left(z_2\right)=1 \Rightarrow a z_2 +b - c z_2 - d =0 \\ & f\left(z_3\right)=\infty \Rightarrow c z_3 + d =0 \end{aligned} \]

The three linear equations can be solved in the sense of their relative ratio.

And the Möbius transformation can be written as

\[ f(z)=\frac{z_2-z_3}{z_2-z_1} \frac{z-z_1}{z-z_3} \]

So the cross ratio is

\[ \frac{z_2-z_3}{z_2-z_1} \frac{z_4-z_1}{z_4-z_3} \]

Then the cross ratio of the image under the transformation of any \(f\) is

\[ \frac{f(z_2)-f(z_3)}{f(z_2)-f(z_1)} \frac{f(z_4)-f(z_1)}{f(z_4)-f(z_3)} \]

Note that

\[ f(x)-f(y)=\frac{a x+b}{c x+d}-\frac{a y+b}{c y+d}=\frac{(a d-b c)(x-y)}{(c x+d)(c y+d)} \]


\[ \frac{f(x)-f(y)}{f(x)-f(z)} = \frac{(x-y)(cz+d)}{(x-z)(cy+d)} \]


\[ \frac{f(z_2)-f(z_3)}{f(z_2)-f(z_1)} \frac{f(z_4)-f(z_1)}{f(z_4)-f(z_3)} = \frac{(z_2-z_3)(c z_1 +d)}{(z_2-z_1)(c z_3 + d)} \frac{(z_4-z_1)(c z_3 +d)}{(z_4-z_3)(c z_1 + d)} = \frac{z_2-z_3}{z_2-z_1} \frac{z_4-z_1}{z_4-z_3} \]