

Juno Mission Phases                                                           
Start       Mission                                                           
Date        Phase                                                             
2011-08-05  Launch                                                            
2011-08-08  Inner Cruise 1                                                    
2011-10-10  Inner Cruise 2                                                    
2013-05-28  Inner Cruise 3                                                    
2013-11-05  Quiet Cruise                                                      
2016-01-05  Jupiter Approach                                                  
2016-06-30  Jupiter Orbital Insertion                                         
2016-07-05  Capture Orbit                                                     
2016-10-19  Period Reduction Maneuver                                         
2016-10-20  Orbits 1-2                                                        
2016-11-09  Science Orbits                                                    
2017-10-11  Deorbit

Coordinate System of Data

  1. SE (Solar Equatorial)
    • Code: se
    • Resampling options:
      • Number of seconds (1 or 60): se_rN[N]s
      • Resampled 1 hour: se_r1h
  2. PC (Planetocentric)
    • Code: pc
    • Resampling options:
      • Number of seconds (1 or 60): pc_rN[N]s
  3. SS (Sun-State)
    • Code: ss
    • Resampling options:
      • Number of seconds (1 or 60): ss_rN[N]s
  4. PL (Payload)
    • Code: pl
    • Resampling options:
      • Number of seconds (1 or 60): pl_rN[N]s

There are three principal coordinate systems used to represent the data in this archive.

  • The SE coordinate system is a Spacecraft- Solar equatorial system and it will be used for cruise data only.
  • The sun-state (ss) and planetocentric (pc) will be used for Earth Fly By (EFB) and Jupiter orbital data.
  • Cartesian representations are used for all three coordinate systems. These coordinate systems are specified relative to a “target body” which may be any solar system object (but for this orbital operations will Jupiter). In what follows we will reference Jupiter as the target body, but, for example, if observations near a satellite (such as Io) are desired in Io-centric coordinates, the satellite Io may be specified as the target body.

The SE coordinate system is defined using the sun-spacecraft vector as the primary reference vector; sun’s rotation axis as the secondary reference vector (z). The x axis lies along the sun-spacecraft vector, the z axis is in the plane defined by the Sun’s rotation axis and the spacecraft-sun vector. The y axis completes the system.

The ss coordinate system is defined using the instantaneous Jupiter-Sun vector as the primary reference vector (x direction). The X-axis lies along this vector and is taken to be positive toward the Sun. The Jupiter orbital velocity vector is the second vector used to define the coordinate system; the y axis lies in the plane determined by the Jupiter-Sun vector and the velocity vector and is orthogonal to the x axis (very nearly the negative of the velocity vector). The vector cross product of x and y yields a vector z parallel to the northward (upward) normal of the orbit plane of Jupiter. This system is sometimes called a sun-state (ss) coordinate system since its principal vectors are the Sun vector and the Jupiter state vector.

Spacecraft-Solar equatorial
