
A python package for identifying and analyzing discontinuities for time series data.

All statistics are wrong, but some may be useful:)

PyPI Pixi Badge pdm-managed

User Guide

This package is designed to identify and analyze discontinuities in time series data.

  1. Finding the discontinuities, see this notebook
    • Corresponding to limited feature extraction / anomaly detection
  2. Calculating the properties of the discontinuities, see this notebook
    • One can use higher time resolution data

For how to use this project as a python library, please see this page.


pip install discontinuitypy

Getting started

Import the package

from discontinuitypy.utils.basic import *
from discontinuitypy.core import *


Science part

  • Analysis
  • Identifaction
  • Features
  • Compare with other methods of identifying IDs

Code part

  • Optimization
  • Refactor
